Bee photo courtsey of Spikenard Bee Sanctuary
“We have the will to work by letting flow into our work what, out of the spiritual world,
through soul, body, and spirit strives to become human in us.”
— Rudolf Steiner
Margaret Kerndt
We remember Margaret with love and gratitude for her devotional work in the support of the healing impulse of Rhythmical Massage.
Deceased February 3rd, 2022.
Margaret Kerndt practices Rhythmical Massage Therapy, Therapeutic Eurythmy, and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) in private practice in Portland, Oregon. She has a background in Shiatsu, Swedish massage, Spacial Dynamics, Bothmer Gymnastics, Amnion® Aquatics.
Janice Balaskas
Janice Balaskas is a Rhythmical Massage Therapist, nationally certified in massage and bodywork by the NCBTMB. She is a Registered Nurse, Anthroposophical Nurse Specialist, Rhythmical Einreibungen Specialist and Teacher, and Oil Dispersion Bath Therapist. Janice has been a practitioner of Rhythmical Massage Therapy since completing the training in Pennsylvania in 2001. Janice teaches Anthroposophic Nursing and Rhythmical Einreibungen in Europe, Asia, and the USA.
Marlies Schade
Marlies Schade is a Rhythmical Massage Therapist, nationally certified in massage and bodywork by the NCBTMB, and a SEP(somatic trauma healing practitioner). She has been an independent practitioner of bodywork and healing therapies for over 30 years. Marlies currently works in California and Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Marei Blitz
Marei Blitz graduated from Grampian School of Physical Therapy, Aberdeen, Scotland in 1987 and the American School of Rhythmical Massage in 1998. Currently working in Hesperus Retirement Home, Toronto in addition to private practice in Physiotherapy and Rhythmical Massage Therapy.