Continuing Education 

The Invisible Human Being Within Us

North America – Thailand – England

“The Invisible Human Being Within Us”, is one of Rudolf Steiner’s most enigmatic & important lectures for medical & therapeutic diagnosis & treatment. This on-line course aims to guide us through the maze of these little boxes & arrows to understand & work therapeutically with the dynamic inter – action of the fourfold & threefold members of the human being.


 Three 90 Minute On-Line Sessions
Presentation by the Physician
Breakout Discussion Groups
Questions & Responses

Adam Blanning, MD
November 3, 2024

Kan-anek Kaewthaweesab, MD
December 15, 2024
February 2, 2025

The Invisible Human Being Within Us:
The Pathology Underlying Therapy

A Lecture By Rudolf Steiner
Given February 11, 1923 In
Dornach  *  GA 221


California 5:00 – 6:30 am PST
New York 8:00 – 9:30 am EST
England 1:00 – 2:30 pm GMT
Germany 2:00 – 3:30 pm CET
Thailand 8:00 – 9:30 pm ICT

Presentations will be recorded & available for 2 months after the conference.
Breakout sessions will not be recorded.
Email Questions To:


Healing Trauma – Offering a Vessel
for Transformation

A Two Part Continuing Education Course Offered by RMTA of N

Encountering trauma patterns in our clients, how can we work to support healing and transformation?
This workshop is for Rhythmical Massage Therapists, Anthroposophic Nurses and Rhythmical Einreibung Specialists
to explore this work through the lens of our specialities. 

Part One: Two day online course, can be take separately, and is a prerequisite for Part Two.
Date: Saturday & Sunday September 9th & 10th 2023
Time: 8:30-12:30 Pacific Time
Hosted via Zoom & Course will be recorded • Tuition $85 

 Part Two: Five day in-person course. Part One is a prerequisite.
Date: Friday, September 22nd – Tuesday, September 26th 2023
Where: Hosted in Fraser, Colorado – 2 hours west of Denver International Airport
Accommodation: Limited accommodation at workshop site, other options in the area are available at additional cost.
Meals: Meals are not included. Kitchen space available for preparing group meals.
Five Day In Person. Not recorded • Tuition  $425


Course Instructor:

Marlies Schade is a Rhythmical Massage Therapist, trained in Stroud, England, nationally certified in massage and bodywork by the NCBTMB, and a Somatic Trauma Healing practitioner. She has been an independent practitioner of bodywork and healing therapies for over 35 years, currently working in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Marlies was a lead instructor in the accredited Rhythmical Massage Therapy training conducted in the US that completed in May, 2017.

Course, registration, and accommodation details to follow shortly.

 For additional information contact Marlies at

A New Training Opportunity:
Jupiter & Mars & Liver & Gall Bladder

October 14, 15, 16, 2022 * On-Line Conference Jointly Hosted By The Rhythmical Massage Therapy Association of North America & The North American Anthroposophic Nurses Association (NAANA)
James Dyson, MD • Alan Thewless • Karen Derreumaux


Training Information

Jupiter, layers of ever-moving cyclonic storms. Mars, a dry red planet with massive dust storms. How do the spiritual forces that shape these planets collaborate and manifest in the life and soul processes of the human liver and gall bladder? How does the dynamic interaction of these organs work with and contrast to the tension regulating of the kidney system? In this on-line conference presenters Dr. James Dyson, Alan Thewless and Karen Derreumaux will weave together astronomy of the planets Jupiter and Mars, their classical heritage and spiritual science, with aspects of embryology, anatomy and physiology of the liver and gall bladder, and artistic representations in eurythmy and fairy tale. Anthroposophic medical treatment and considerations for Rhythmical Massage Therapy and Anthroposophic Nursing will be discussed. It is recommended to prepare for this conference by reading the Grimm’s fairy tales, The Goose Girl & Iron Hans. The fairy tales will not be read in this conference. 

To register, mail the Registration form with $125 payment to: Sabrina Ford 208 Kennedy Ave. Louisville, KY 40206
Make checks payable to ‘RMTA of NA’. Or you may make your payment online below.
Contact Course Coordinator Janice Balaskas as needed: * Sessions Will Be Recorded!